Coronavirus: Where is God?


Why (or did!) did God make a world with coronavirus? and Can the coronavirus be reconciled with the existence of a loving God? are the titles of two recent articles by John Lennox, emeritus professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford.

He has also written a short book entitled Where is God in a Coronavirus world? which is available here. If you live locally and would like a copy, please let us know!

You can watch also watch an interview with him below:

Another helpful resource is Coronavirus and Christ, a free book by John Piper. You can read it here or listen to it below:

In light of the pandemic, Stephen preached two one-off sermons about it, and you may also find our current series’ on Romans 8 and He is Able to be particularly relevant at the current time.

There’s also a series of articles on the Gentle Reformation website, including this one by Warren Peel: ‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great’.