There’s only one way to be safe | Exodus 11:1 - 12:42
Growing Pains
“The easiest way to do church is to stay among your own” | Acts 11-15
The Death of One Man brings Blessing to the Nations
A recap of Acts chapters 7-10 as Christians move out from Jerusalem for the first time
The Acts of the Risen Jesus by his Spirit through the Church
A recap of Acts 1 - 6:7 through four snapshots: the church's inner life, its witness, attacks from the outside, and attacks from the inside
Consider Him so that you do not lose heart
“Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted” | Hebrews 12:3
Judgement Day Rehearsed
The final cycle of 3 plagues (before the big one) - all of which will reappear in the last book of the Bible | Exodus 9:13 - 10:29
Not Causing Others to Lose Heart
The sin of discouraging others | Numbers 13:1 - 14:4
Does God See our Suffering?
Plagues 4-6 | Exodus 8:20 - 9:12
Not Losing Heart in Suffering
Not losing heart in the face of physical suffering and the ageing process | 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Digitus Dei
Even before the Ten Plagues begin, it's clear that there's only going to be one outcome | Exodus 7:8-8:19