The destructiveness of sin and the transforming power of Jesus | Mark 5:1-20
The Power of Jesus and the Call for Faith
Jesus heals two people who are beyond all human hope - but he's more than a miracle worker | Mark 5:21-43
Touching the Untouchable
Jesus touches the untouchable and cures the incurable | Luke 5:12-16
True Riches
Are we on the same wavelength as Jesus as to what's really important? | Luke 12:13-21
Don't you know there's a war on?
One of Satan’s great aims is to distract you from God’s word | Luke 4:31-37
Jesus' Greatest Miracle
"As long as you have your health, that's all that matters". Would Jesus agree? | Luke 5:17-26
What Zacchaeus teaches us about Jesus
Zacchaeus is a familiar bible character - but if we just keep our eyes on him, we'll miss what this famous incident teaches us about Jesus | Luke 19:1-10