The death sentence is pronounced and mockery ensues | Matthew 26:66-68
One Thing
One thing I know, One thing I do, One thing I ask
Lost - and Found
What a much-loved parable tells us about Jesus - and about us | Luke 15:1-7
Priorities for the Church
Keeping the main thing the main thing | 1 Corinthians 15-16
Who Jesus Isn't
The second sign of Jesus’ glory in John’s gospel | John 4:43-54
Where is God?
God’s hidden activity and Jesus’ apparent inactivity | Mark 15:21-32
Blindness and Sight
The climax of the first part of Mark's gospel - but the disciples still have a lot to learn | Mark 8:1-30
A Tragedy to Avoid
Herod ignored his conscience, failed to take his opportunities, and was paralysed by the opinion of others | Mark 6:7-29
The Heart of the Problem
The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart | Mark 7
God Walking Among Us
The one who feeds his people in the wilderness, the one who walks across the raging seas to reassure his people, and the one who will restore all things to the way they were meant to be | Mark 6:31-56