Hearing the Ten Commandments should make us fear God and drive us to Jesus | Exodus 20:18-26
Where is your treasure?
Christianity isn't a call to stop desiring things. But God has placed desires in us which only he can satisfy | Exodus 20:17
Whose language are you speaking?
'We all bend the truth now and then' - but for human beings to lie is to speak the language of our enemy | Exodus 20"16
What's mine is God's
Only if we have treasure in Heaven will we be able to hold lightly to the things of this world | Exodus 20:15
Guarding God's Gospel Signpost
Why does it matter what two consenting adults do in private? Because sex is bigger than us. To demean, twist, distort or redefine marriage is to rob the world of a signpost to the gospel | Exodus 20:14
Life or Death?
If we think the 6th commandment doesn't apply to us, Jesus says that we're making the same mistake as the Pharisees | Exodus 20:13
Honour your father and your mother
Since the garden of Eden, human beings have had a problem with authority. The first authority any of us resist is that of our parents - so that's where this commandment starts. Like all the commandments however, it has a wider application than we might think | Exodus 20:12
Call the Sabbath a Delight
In the second of two sermons on the fourth commandment, we see that the Lord's Day is:
- A day for celebrating the freedom that we have in Christ
- A day where unnecessary work is to cease so we can focus on God
- A day for turning from our own pleasures and delighting in God
(Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Isaiah 58:13-14)
God's Day
Famous Scottish sportsmen such as Eric Liddell (of Chariots of Fire fame) and Euan Murray have refused to participate in sport on Sunday. Were they sincere but misguided in their belief that Christians should keep Sunday special? | Exodus 20:8-11
What's in a name?
What do we mean by God's name? What does it mean to take his name in vain? What happens if we have taken his name in vain? | Exodus 20:7