Stand firm and see the salvation of the LORD | Exodus 14
The LORD's Leading
What happens once the people finally get out of Egypt? | Exodus 13:17-22 (Note: audio is lower quality than usual)
A Meal to Remember
What was the Passover about and who was it for? | Exodus 12:43 - 13:16
Covered by the Blood
There’s only one way to be safe | Exodus 11:1 - 12:42
Judgement Day Rehearsed
The final cycle of 3 plagues (before the big one) - all of which will reappear in the last book of the Bible | Exodus 9:13 - 10:29
Does God See our Suffering?
Plagues 4-6 | Exodus 8:20 - 9:12
Digitus Dei
Even before the Ten Plagues begin, it's clear that there's only going to be one outcome | Exodus 7:8-8:19
See Who I Will Use
A reluctant prophet, a priest with a genealogy, and a king with a hardened heart | Exodus 6:10-7:7
"See What I Will Do"
The LORD’s 7 “I Wills” | Exodus 6:1-9
No one said it would be easy
Moses steps out in faith - what happens next? | Exodus 4:27 - 5:23