Ministry training

Global Day of Prayer for RP Ministers


The Reformed Presbyterian Churches of North America, Ireland, Scotland and Australia have agreed to appoint the Lord’s Day, 6th October 2019 as a day for united prayer in all our congregations that God would raise up men to serve as pastors and missionaries. This is a keenly felt need in each of our denominations and it is a wonderful expression of our unity in the Gospel that we can join with one another in a day of prayer that will span the globe.

The RP Global Alliance have produced prayer points which highlight the number of churches currently without pastors in each country, along with the number of men currently being trained for ministry in each place. These numbers include the Japanese Presbytery, which is currently under the oversight of the RPCNA. You can read the prayer points here or download a PDF version here. Prayer points are also available in French and Spanish.

Jude Colhoun placement

As a congregation, we're looking forward to the arrival of Jude Colhoun on Friday. Jude is a member of Raphoe Congregational Church in Donegal, and is currently studying at the Irish Baptist College.


During his time in Stranraer Jude will be involved in many of the different aspects of the life and work of the congregation, including leading Bible studies and preaching through the book of Habakkuk over the next three Lord's Days.

We're glad that his wife Zara and son Micah will be able to be with us for part of the time.