The most famous verse in the Bible | John 3:16
Striking the Shepherd
The evil one's attacks narrow and become more focused - here we see who and how he attacks | Nehemiah 6
Now what?
Before he returned to heaven, Jesus left us with a message to spread, a mission plan as to how to go about it, and the power to enable us to do it | Luke 24:36-49
Conflict in the Church
Having failed in his attempts to stop the rebuilding with outside attacks, Satan tries to use inner division to achieve his goal | Nehemiah 5
Walking Away
The tenderness of Jesus with two of his followers who perhaps intended to walk away for good - and his desire to root them in the Word and not physical appearances | Luke 24:13-35
Remember the LORD who is great and awesome
Satan’s schemes to stop the work of rebuilding - and how we can fight against them | Nehemiah 4
The First Sceptics of the Resurrection
The first Christians weren't hoping against hope for a resurrection - even the empty tomb just left them perplexed | Luke 24:1-12
Coming back to God
People who were once close to God can end up so far from him that they think there’s no way back. But here we see God taking the initiative to bring his wandering servant back to him | Genesis 35:1-15
Years of Compromise
It's one step forward and two steps back for Jacob - with devastating consequences for his family | Genesis 34
Building Together
Underneath all the unfamiliar names is a beautiful picture of God's people 'standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel' | Nehemiah 3