The story of God’s salvation starts with the birth of a baby, who despite all his privileges, is not ashamed to call God’s people his brothers | Exodus 2:1-11
God and Government
What responsibility do we have to those who rule over us? | Romans 13:1-7
God's Unbreakable Promise
God's promise is fulfilled even when it doesn't look like it, God's promise always brings opposition, and God's promise uses weak people | Exodus 1
Marks of the True Christian
The true Christian uses the gifts they've been given to serve the body, and the true Christian is known for their love to others | Romans 12:3-21
Lifted Up
The significance of Jesus' Ascension | Luke 24:50-53
Motivated by Mercy
Why do we do what we do? Romans 12:1-2
All Israel Will Be Saved
Romans 11:11-36
God's Overflowing Grace
The Jews' fall is not final - and God only has one olive tree | Romans 11:11-22
Who Jesus Isn't
The second sign of Jesus’ glory in John’s gospel | John 4:43-54
A Gracious Remnant
Has God rejected his people? | Romans 11:1-10